Saturday, February 20, 2010

Am I Beautiful???


This thought often strikes to the mind of a girl whenever she stands in front of a mirror !!
she asks mirror this question until she gets a satisfactory answer that satisfies her ego .........there are times if she doesn't gets the satisfactory answer she continues resolving the answer to this question with a lots of checks and validations those finally serve as the food for her false esteem . Starting from teenage ..whenever sense of physical beauty arises in her mind , sense of opposite attraction gets place in her heart ......this beautiful question having a deformed shape starts knocking at the door of her confidence !! if she gets answer positive ...she interprets this answer as the measure of her confidence ...if not she starts searching the answer . There may be a crowd that won't be satisfied with this explanation of RELATION of confidence and beauty ...[:)]
There was a time when I was on the same side of the belief !! I was at my wits to understand ...
.......Never thought how these things can be related , but the world is not that simple as it seems , everything and feeling is related .
It's very true that God has made everything in it's most beautiful form , but why beauty is always comparable ?
Is one not beautiful if one is not admired or appreciated by someone ? all these kind of questions flooded my mind at a time when whole world almost discarded my existence .....when my world changed totally just because of I've lost the beautiful skin because of a severe reaction of medicine ......? At that point of time to support my existence I had to start my way of thinking from scratch....Everything every person , even every moment of my life was like a challenge to me ...!!!! I have started viewing world with the eyes of others ..infact with the comments of others ......[:)]
As change is the most difficult thing to adapt for a person , same was the case with me . ....all 24 hrs of my day had got changed .....every time there was a question that kept hammering in my mind was " AM I NOT BEAUTIFUL ? "
Does my existence to everybody matters because of my looks ?
Well after a lots of stirring I've got answers to all my questions ........gained my confidence back ! At that critical phase of time the only thing I was bestowed was my parents. .....
Now sometimes I thank GOD for putting me in such a situation because I've learned a lot from all these tough situations of life .. I made my own way ! ! got myself back ....[:)] I started viewing my world with my beautiful eyes and heart !! because nothing was ever as beautiful as my eyes are .........[:)]

Kahlil Gibran has said that
" Your living is determined not so much by what life brings to you by the attitude you bring to your life ; not so much by what happens to you..... as by the way your mind looks at what happens "

Simply I started following the above fact [:)] ........Beauty is actually what beauty does . Sometimes happens what one tries to prove the world by any means that one is beautiful . If we belive that we are beautiful there is no need to explain anything to anyone at all, because at the end it's our opinion that counts . Actually we become what we think of ourselves .

Beauty is a characteristic of a person, animal, place, object, or idea that provides a perceptual experience of pleasure, meaning, or satisfaction.The experience of "beauty" often involves the interpretation of some entity as being in balance and harmony with nature, which may lead to feelings of attraction and emotional well-being.

In spite of knowing all these facts fact most of the times practically applying them why there is need to ask this question to ourselves again and again " Am I Beautiful ?? "

everybody is quite aware of all these thoughts ...even than why this questions always seeks an answer "AM I BEAUTIFUL? "

if anybody has more satisfactory answer .....m waiting ....[:)] [:)]